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Grand Prix


The Portland Running Company Race Team Grand Prix is a friendly, year-long competition between registered members of our Race Team. Team members score points and move up the yearly standings by running any of the selected races that constitute the Grand Prix. You can think of it a little bit like the corporate squash ladder, with fewer complications at work. Prizes are handed out at year's end. Champions will have their names engraved on our perpetual trophy, the Katey Angel Cup, on display at The Run Pub.

Click here for 2025 competition schedule.

Click here for 2025 rules.

Click here for 2025 standings and results.

Click here for final 2024 standings and results.

Click here for final 2023 standings and results.

Click here for final 2022 standings and results.

Click here for final 2021 standings and results.

Click here for final 2020 standings and results.

Click here for final 2019 standings and results.


2025 Grand Prix Schedule

January PRC Winter Series 5K No. 2
February Zena Road Race 15k
March Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest Trail Run 5k
April Eugene Half Marathon
May Helvetia 10k
June Rose City Mile
July Independence Day 10k
August Bowerman 5k
September 10k at Beaverton Half Marathon 
October Best Dam Run 10k
November West Linn Turkey Trot
December Holiday 15k


Official Rules


The Portland Running Company Race Team Grand Prix is a friendly, year-long competition between registered members of our Race Team. Team members score points and move up the yearly standings by running any of the selected monthly races that constitute the Grand Prix.

Men and women compete separately. All race results are age-graded, and points are awarded based on a runner's finish in the age-graded results of a given race.

The top age-graded performance in a Grand Prix event for the men and women is each worth 15 points. The second-best age-graded performance for both men and women is worth 14 points, etc. No competitor will receive fewer than 5 points for a Grand Prix race.

Monthly Races: Your best races, up to six total in 2025, will contribute to your overall standing in the year-long competition. Members wishing to receive points for participation in a Grand Prix event must represent the team in a PRC team jersey during the race.

Marathon: In addition to the monthly races, members may submit one full marathon result from the year. Marathon results will be age-graded and ranked separately and points distributed accordingly. Submitted marathon results must be verifiable and members must compete in a PRC jersey. Your marathon result, if you submit one, counts toward the total number of races for the year.

Bonus Points: In 2025 there will be at least four ways to earn bonus points toward your Grand Prix standings. Bonus points will only be awarded once per category, per year. This means that the maximum bonus points available this year is 25. Members must self-report bonus activities, provide a link to verifiable results, and compete in a PRC jersey. 

Members may earn five bonus Grand Prix points for participating in volunteer activities. Any running-related volunteering activity is acceptable, such as volunteering at a race or doing organized trail maintenance.

Members may earn five bonus Grand Prix points for completing a race that is either ultra-long or ultra-fast. An ultra-long race is longer than a marathon. An ultra-fast race is one mile or shorter. To count as a race, the event must be open to the public and have published results. Events that are already part of the Grand Prix as a monthly race cannot be counted for bonus points.

Members may earn five bonus points for participating in a special team event. Past team events that would count toward these bonus points have included the team relay, summer picnic, field trip runs, and Donut Mile. Weekly runs such as Tuesday track do not count as special events. Events can only be counted in one bonus point category, i.e., the Donut Mile can be counted as team event points OR ultrafast points but not both.

Members may earn five bonus points for doing at least 8 Grand Prix races (including a marathon), and an additional five bonus points for doing at least 10 races. Only the selected monthly races and one marathon result count toward the total number of races, not events used for other bonus points (such as a 50k counted for the ultralong category).

Year-end standings will determine award winners. Awards will be handed out and the top competitors recognized at the PRC Race Team's year-end holiday party in January 2026. Ties will be broken in favor of the competitor who has completed more Grand Prix monthly races during the year (up to 13 when submitting a marathon).

Questions about age-grading, results, rules, and standings can be directed to our team scorekeeper Hunter Bennett-Daggett: General questions about the PRC Race Team can be directed to Dave Harkin: